



到处都在收集——在你的工作场所, 在智能手机上, 在你的互联网浏览器中, 从你的信用卡交易记录中.

它的数据. 在我们互联的数字世界里, 个人和企业之间几乎每一个接触点都会收集数据. 数据也由企业内部从预算中生成, 利润, 以及员工保留率的下降, 客户满意度评分, 和关键绩效指标(kpi).

有这么多可用的数据, 企业正在努力理解如何利用它来为自己谋利. 幸运的是, business analysts can help companies compete on the global stage by discovering what useful information is hidden in their data.


业务 analytics is using an organization’s data to solve business problems and help make immediate, 战略业务决策.

People trained as business analysts use statistics to uncover trends and insights from company data and enable business leaders to make informed, 数据驱动的决策推动增长, 改善流程, 增加利润.

业务 analysts provide insight into past business performance and help predict future performance to make practical recommendations for improved efficiency and better business outcomes. As a business analyst, you are critical to a company’s day-to-day decision-making process.

与普遍的看法相反, 业务分析不涉及大量的编码, 数学, 或者计算机科学知识. It’s a great career fit for those who enjoy solving complex problems and offering practical conclusions based on real business data.


业务分析师来自不同的背景, 包括管理, 金融, IT, 医疗保健, 和销售 & 市场营销. 有些人在本科时学习商业分析或统计学, 但是进入这个职业轨道并不需要相关的学士学位.

To get started as a business analyst without a 数学 or 编码 background, follow these steps:

  1. 对商业分析感到兴奋

The first step to becoming a business analyst is to get excited about the limitless potential of your new field. Learn more about what business analysts do and the expectations for the role by researching job descriptions on LinkedIn and salary ranges on payscale.com或Glassdoor.

不同的公司对业务分析师的职位描述略有不同, 因此,也要开始理解与该领域相关的词汇.

  1. 申请商业分析理学硕士课程

没有数学或统计学背景, a master’s degree is the best way for you to learn and practice exactly the skills you need to get started in the field. You’ll be able to stay focused on learning the necessary statistical analyses and software without becoming overwhelmed by 编码 that may be beyond the scope needed for a typical business analyst.

A master’s program in business analytics empowers people from any background to learn statistical analysis, 预测分析, 数据可视化, and effective communication to provide clear and actionable recommendations to business leaders.

Many of the best schools have recognized that business analytics is an emerging and highly in-demand field. They’ve created rigorous master’s programs that prepare students to fill the open positions.

有了不同的选择,选择适合你的项目. 学校现在提供负担得起的, 100% online business analytics degrees that allow you to have a flexible study schedule while continuing to work at your part-time or full-time job.

在你被商业分析课程录取之后, 一定要报名参加,并致力于你更美好的未来.

  1. 建立知识基础

当你作为研究生等待开始上课的时候, 在了解统计和统计软件的基础知识方面取得一个良好的开端, 例如R和SAS, 尤其是如果你没有数学背景的话, 编码, 或统计数据.

虽然硕士课程将包括入门课程, you can still build a stronger foundation and get to know some of the software tools and statistical methods you’ll use before beginning your program.

根据杰拉尔德·休斯博士的说法.D., Chair of the Department of Information Systems at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, this is a fantastic strategy to feel more prepared and less anxious about starting a master’s degree in a new area of study. 报名短, massive open online courses (MOOCs) that are free or low-cost through platforms like Codecademy, edX, 可汗学院, 和Coursera.

  1. 做一个好学生

一旦你开始了商业分析的研究生课程, 用成功学生的典型好习惯为自己的成功做好准备:

  • Communicate with your instructors and fellow students when you have questions or need help. 他们是你获得知识和支持的最宝贵的资源.
  • 花大块的时间在一个安静的地方学习和完成你的作业.
  • 把你的工作量分成更小的部分,让生活更容易管理.
  • 每晚至少睡8个小时,并保持一致的睡眠时间表.
  • 尽快开始分配任务. Don’t wait until the last minute and panic while completing subpar work that you’re not proud of.

最重要的是, treat your 教育 like it’s job training (which it is) instead of like classes that someone forced you to complete against your will. 你掌控着自己的职业道路, and the effort you put in to building your skill set will be directly reflected in the career opportunities that open up after you receive your diploma.

  1. 申请那份工作

通过以下步骤, 你可以在没有数学或编程背景的情况下开始商业分析的职业生涯. The final step is, of course, to apply for business analytics jobs and showcase your new skill set.

从小型创业公司到跨国公司, 医疗保健行业的公司, 软件开发, 制造业, 金融, 教育, and other industries are looking to hire you as a business analyst to help interpret their data and make better business decisions.

了解更多有关 100% online Master of Science in 业务 Analytics from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

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