


在创伤事件发生后的几周或几个月里, 儿童可能会经历痛苦的症状,如噩梦, 搅动, 失眠, 愤怒的爆发, 身体疾病或难以集中注意力. Children who exhibit symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) should be monitored closely in the classroom and offered support services when they are available. PTSD in children is an important issue for educators to understand in case they must make classroom accommodations or customize their lesson plans. 通过一个 在线特殊教育硕士课程, special education teachers learn how to identify symptoms of PTSD in children as well as important methods for interacting with traumatized children in the classroom. Here are some ways to create an inclusive classroom and provide support for children with PTSD.


Consistency is crucial for children — especially for children who have been exposed to trauma. Consistency in routine and environment helps a child feel know what to expect, 什么能让他或她感到安全. 因为自发事件, 大声的噪音或不熟悉的日常生活可能会引发儿童的创伤后应激障碍, teachers should maintain a calm classroom environment as much as possible.


Experiencing a traumatic event often leaves victims feeling powerless over their own lives. 他们是否经历过车祸或死亡, 他们可能会因为缺乏控制而感到强烈的压力或绝望. Allowing a child to make as many decisions as possible—even small ones, such as when to take a break or whether to wear a coat—is one way to help a child with PTSD begin to trust his or her surroundings again.


Children with PTSD often benefit from working with trained therapists or other support professionals. 作为一名特殊教育教师, you will be a vital part of your students’ support network. 当与一个经历过创伤的孩子一起工作时, it is important to maintain an open line of dialogue with other professionals as well as with the child’s family. A child’s behavior in the classroom can provide clues about how a child is coping with the traumatic memory.

作为一名特殊教育教师, you will have a unique ability to create a safe and supportive environment for children with PTSD. An online master’s degree in special education can help you learn the necessary tools and methods to keep a variety of differently-abled students feeling engaged, 在课堂上高效和安全.

了解 德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷在线硕士.Ed. 特殊教育项目.




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